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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Who will buy YouTube?

Seamus McCauley in his blog Virtual Economics commented on the earlier posting by Russell Shaw at ZDnet about who will buy YouTube.

Here is what I think about YouTube. Certainly YouTube has value for sites like EBay. YouTube can provide a platform for EBay sellers to put their product promotion videos and demostration of how to use the product, alongiwth their auctions. When I visit EBay, I want to SEE how the product I am interesting in (e.g. a VOIP phone) will be used. Think of that as a demostration or product use. EBay can even let the buyers upload the video of the product use alongwith feedback. This will be a very visual feedback about the product.
For that matter, YouTube should even explore the possibility of any product manufacturer putting up their product use demostration, so buyers can just go their, see how to use and troubleshoot the product. These manuals can be searchable, e.g. what is that indicator on my car dashboard? It can even serve as pre-buying comparision guide for potential buyers, where they can watch the product use and decide whether to buy or not.


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